Chennai Super Kings skipper MS Dhoni teaches Dwayne Bravo how to do the iconic CSK whistle on Thursday. This happened during a promotional shoot where MS Dhoni and Bravo had loads of fun trying to whistle. The Chennai Super Kings (CSK) franchise took to Twitter to share the fun moments of this duo and captioned, “Next up: Whistles Paraak!”
Dhoni was in a great mood as he and Bravo could not stop laughing at each other’s poor attempt to whistle properly. However, in the end, they managed to pull it off together.
Also read: IPL 2023: Chennai Super Kings Predicted Playing 11 against Gujarat Titans for Match 1
Here’s how the fans reacted to this video:
The 16th edition of the Indian Premier League is all set to start from March 31 with the defending champions Gujarat Titans (GT) taking on MS Dhoni’s Chennai Super Kings (CSK) at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad in the opener.
IPL 2023 will most probably be MS Dhoni’s last IPL Season.