World Cup 2023 Delhi Matches to Shift Due to Air Pollution?

The Bangladesh cricket team had to cancel their training session ahead of the ICC World Cup 2023 due to severe air pollution in Delhi.

The Bangladesh cricket team had to cancel their training session ahead of the ICC World Cup 2023 due to severe air pollution in Delhi, the host city for one of their matches. This decision was made in light of the high pollution levels, as many players had developed coughing symptoms after being exposed to the poor air quality. Despite being eliminated from the World Cup, the team is still concerned about the health and fitness of their players.

The situation in Delhi was exacerbated by the city’s air quality reaching the “severe plus” category, prompting the need for emergency measures, including restrictions on polluting vehicles and construction activities. This severe pollution level is a recurring issue for the city, and the central government had deferred stricter pollution control measures.

Sri Lanka, the opponent in the upcoming match, had faced similar air quality challenges in Delhi in the past and had to wear masks during a game in 2017. They played their recent World Cup match against India in Mumbai, where air quality was better, and they did not need to train the following day.

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The team director of Bangladesh emphasized the importance of the upcoming matches and the need for players to be in good health for the Champions Trophy qualification scenario. The top seven teams in the World Cup, along with hosts Pakistan, will secure a spot in the 2025 Champions Trophy.

The situation in Delhi remains uncertain, with concerns about whether the match will go ahead in the current conditions. The team hopes for improved weather and air quality, but they are prepared to adapt if necessary.

Delhi’s air quality on that Friday reached its worst level since November 12, 2021, with an AQI of 468. Despite the severity of the situation, authorities decided to monitor it for a day or more before implementing stricter restrictions, underscoring the ongoing challenge of air pollution in the city.

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