The India-Pakistan World Cup match, which was initially planned to take place on October 15 in Ahmedabad, could be rescheduled due to security concerns. The International Cricket Council (ICC) had originally scheduled this important fixture to mark the beginning of the tournament on the first day of Navratri, a festival widely celebrated in Gujarat with enthusiastic participation in garba nights.
The security agencies have recommended to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to review the date of the India-Pakistan World Cup match. They raised concerns about the potential strain on resources and personnel during the festive period, as reported by The Indian Express.
“We are mulling the options that we have and a decision will be taken soon. We have been told by the security agencies that a high-profile game like India vs Pakistan, for which thousands of travelling fans are expected to reach Ahmedabad, should be avoided since they will be stretched because of Navratri,” a top BCCI official, who did not wish to be identified, told The Indian Express.
Also read: India vs Pakistan World Cup 2023 Tickets Online Sale on BookMyShow: Know How to Book
Acoording to the latest reports, India vs Pakistan could be held on 14th October 2023, a day before the Navratri begins to avoid the security issues. However, if India vs Pakistan is moved to 14th October then there will be a few more tweaks in the original schedule of ICC ODI World Cup 2023.