Who Will Win If Rain Washes Away IND vs SA T20 World Cup 2024 Final? Here is the New ICC Rule

Rain could play a major role in the final

Rain has been a significant factor in the T20 World Cup 2024, particularly during the semi-finals, causing controversy due to the different provisions for reserve days. While semi-final 1 had a reserve day, semi-final 2 only had 250 minutes of extra time on the same day. The ICC cited the tight schedule as the reason for these compromises. Despite rain affecting the India vs England semi-final, the match was completed, with India winning by 68 runs to face South Africa in the final. Fans are now keen to know the arrangements for reserve days and extra time for the final.

Who Will Win If Rain Washes Away IND vs SA T20 World Cup 2024 Final? Here is the New ICC Rule

Is there a chance of rain during India vs South Africa T20 World Cup 2024 Final?

There is a high likelihood of rain disrupting the India vs South Africa match at the Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados. Current estimates suggest an 80% chance of rain during the game, although this probability may change in the coming hours.

Is there a Reserve Day for T20 World Cup 2024 Final between India and South Africa?

Fortunately, the ICC has scheduled a backup day for the T20 World Cup final in Barbados. If the match cannot be played on the originally scheduled day due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be held on Sunday, June 30, 2024. This ensures an additional opportunity to determine the champion if weather disrupts the initial plan.

Also read: Team India Will Play a T20 World Cup Final for the Third Time, Know What Happened When They Played a Title Match Last Time!

What happens if rain washes away the India vs South Africa T20 World Cup 2024 Final?

If bad weather affects the reserve day of the T20 World Cup final, India and South Africa will be declared joint champions. This rule also applies if the match ends in a tie and a Super Over can’t be played due to weather, or if the match is abandoned without a result. A similar situation occurred in the 2002 ICC Champions Trophy, where India and Sri Lanka were named joint winners due to rain.

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